GURPS GM Aid table file version 1.1 Expanded GURPS critical hit table crit hit 3 24 3d8 3 - If the blow hit the torso, it does normal damage and the foe is knocked unconscious. Roll vs. HT everey 30 minutes to recover. Otherwise, it does triple damage. 4 - The blow bypasses all armor and does double damage. 5 - The blow does triple normal damage. 6 - The blow does maximum damage. Instead of rolling just count each d6 as 6. 7 - The blow does double normal damage. 8 - Normal damage only -- and foe is stunned until he makes his HT roll. 9 - Foes takes normal damage AND is knocked to a kneeling position (if this is physically possible). 10 - Foe's weapon becomes unready, and he takes normal damage. 11 - The blow does double normal damage. 12 - If the blow hit an arm, leg, hand, or foot the blow does normal damage, and that body part is crippled regardless of the damage done. However, this is only a \"funny-bone\" injury, and will wear off in six turns. (Of course, if enough damage is was done to cripple the limb anyway, it does not wear off!) Otherwise, the blow does normal damage. 13 - Roll damage twice and choose the larger amount rolled. 14 - Roll damage twice and choose the larger amount rolled. 15 - Halve foe's DR (round down) when determining how much damage his armor stops. 16 - Normal damage only -- and foe is stunned until he makes his HT roll. 17 - Foe's weapon becomes unready, and he takes normal damage. 18 - If the blow hit an arm, leg, hand, or foot the blow does normal damage, and that body part is crippled regardless of the damage done. However, this is only a \"funny-bone\" injury, and will wear off in six turns. (Of course, if enough damage is was done to cripple the limb anyway, it does not wear off!) Otherwise, the blow does normal damage. 19 - The blow bypasses all armor and does normal damage. 20 - If the blow hit an arm, leg, hand, or foot the blow does normal damage, and that body part is crippled regardless of the damage done. Otherwise, the blow does normal damage. 21 - Foe's weapon is dropped, and he takes normal damage. 22 - The blow does double normal damage. 23 - The blow does triple normal damage. 24 - If the blow hits the torso, it does normal damage and the foe is knocked unconscious. Roll vs. HT every 30 minutes to recover. Otherwise, triple normal damage.